Friday, February 21, 2014

I'm clearly slacking with this whole writing every day thing. To sum up the most exciting events over the past 48 hours....I will begin with last night. Last night I got a call confirming my call time on set today with Drop Dead Diva and tonight I was confirmed for filming on the Vampire Diaries tomorrow! #noautographsplease

I am not too sure where this new life in this new city is leading me, but I am so excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Regardless of any romantic attachments that I have at home or family and friends that I miss so dearly...I do think I'm going to be okay here.

Probably even more than okay.

Until Next Time..

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My apologies for not blogging yesterday, but it really just was not that interesting. Today however...was.

I introduced myself to my favorite company today, which was just a tad awkward. Apparently it isn't quite as polite as I thought to pre-interview introduce yourself. Anywho, on the way back from that the real journey began.

Driving down 285 I heard a loud clanking and felt a shaking beneath my car.  Next thing I knew, what seemed like my entire tire flew away and I pulled over quickly on the side of the highway. I began to mentally prepare myself to change my own tire when a very nice gentleman pulled over to assist me. Shortly after he tried to help me ATL 511 showed up and saved the day by putting on my spare and filling it with air.

I had originally planned on working out this evening, instead I went home and enjoyed some wine as I discussed cuisine, boys, family, and more with my new roommate.

The lesson I learned today..more through my discussions than what actually that I rush everything. My career, my future romance, my lifestyle....everything. I have realized that I am in too much of a rush to accomplish everything in such a short amount of time. In reality I am 22 years old with my entire life ahead of me. It is totally fine to not know what I want, who I want, or when I want it...and I'm okay with that.

Until next time...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy President's Day.... too bad I didn't know that before I tried to go out and introduce myself to the companies I've applied to. Other than that today has been pretty positive, and was topped off with a gluten free beer and pasta after a long workout.

I'll just keep it short and sweet tonight, not much to say..nor too many crazy thoughts.

Until Next Time...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy one week in my new apartment to me!

Celebrating tonight with Gossip Girl and a new French Connection dress I thrift-ed for just 5.00! Today I got to thinking about being grateful. I found myself complaining a lot... about everything really... the lack of pinteresty decorations in my room, my lack of chocolate in the pantry, my lack of..well a job that I love...

Then I stopped myself for a minute and looked around at everything I have that so many would be so grateful to have. I have the best friends and family I could have ever wished for and a great new apartment in a great new city...and I have no reason to let my fears of not succeeding here bring me down. I have applied to at least 30 new jobs, I can get chocolate tomorrow, and I have plenty of time left in my lease to decorate with Pinterest projects.

So tonight ends on a very positive and optimistic note...

Until next time..

Saturday, February 15, 2014

New Girl episode 4248... it seems this has become a nightly routine. Today was pretty uninteresting..I did however discover what seemed to be a mini china town somewhere outside the perimeter of Atlanta. I also came to the conclusion that after driving from exit to exit there are no Lowe's Hardware or Home Depot stores anywhere within a 20 mile radius of me. I only wanted to spend to day decorating my room with Pinterest projects, but thanks to the lack of hardware stores I decided to workout for three hours and created glitter initial art for my room.

Nothing super fun to until tomorrow..

Friday, February 14, 2014 is the day full of heart shaped balloons, pinks and reds, and lovey facebook posts, and unlike 80% of people out there... I love this Holiday regardless of whether or not I'm single or taken. Today I bought myself a cupcake, cooked a great dinner for myself, and finished half a bottle of wine. I don't know what any of you are thinking but to me, that's a damn good Valentine's Day.
I did however submiss to the commercialized holiday and have cupcakes sent to that handsome man I mentioned last post....what can I say when it comes down to it maybe I really am a hopeless romantic.
Lately I have been that hopeless romantic, which is totally unlike my character. I'm usually more of a guy than guy I'm seeing, but in the long run I have realized that it may be easiest just to let go and be I sent cupcakes as my "Hey this is me being vulnerable cry." We will see how that pans out...
In the meantime I will be applying for jobs in attempt to be a normal, functioning member of society.....probably also drinking wine and watching New Girl on Netflix.

Until Next Time...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

This blog will consist of my daily thoughts, outfits, and adorable meals for the next three hundred and sixty five days. 

So let's introduce ourselves......

I'm a 22 year old college graduate with absolutely no idea what I want out of life. I know what I like... I like clothes, cupcakes, shoes, trveling, pretty cars, adorable men, and the little things in life.  I recently moved and took a new job in a new city....and It feels as though I have already given up.
It hasn't even been a week in the city and I am questioning my decisions already. Quit the first big girl job I ever had, applied for others, spent way too much money...and moved in with a random(and thank god! super sweet) roommate. Thank god your 20's are meant for figuring out who you are because it is clear right now that I am lost. The last two days were spent sulking and crying because I miss my friends and family at a handsome, real sweet man I left there.
However, this morning I woke up with a new outlook, a new mindset. This is what I have always wanted...a challenge, an adventure, a chance to figure out what I want and who I am.  Tomorrow I have an interview, and a day of doing whatever I want, planned! (I will try not to think about the money I'm not making in the meantime.) There have got to be other 20 somethings out there that have no idea what they want or why they are where they are... If that's you, "Holla at yo' gurl" Because we should join forces.

Until tomorrow..