Thursday, February 13, 2014

This blog will consist of my daily thoughts, outfits, and adorable meals for the next three hundred and sixty five days. 

So let's introduce ourselves......

I'm a 22 year old college graduate with absolutely no idea what I want out of life. I know what I like... I like clothes, cupcakes, shoes, trveling, pretty cars, adorable men, and the little things in life.  I recently moved and took a new job in a new city....and It feels as though I have already given up.
It hasn't even been a week in the city and I am questioning my decisions already. Quit the first big girl job I ever had, applied for others, spent way too much money...and moved in with a random(and thank god! super sweet) roommate. Thank god your 20's are meant for figuring out who you are because it is clear right now that I am lost. The last two days were spent sulking and crying because I miss my friends and family at a handsome, real sweet man I left there.
However, this morning I woke up with a new outlook, a new mindset. This is what I have always wanted...a challenge, an adventure, a chance to figure out what I want and who I am.  Tomorrow I have an interview, and a day of doing whatever I want, planned! (I will try not to think about the money I'm not making in the meantime.) There have got to be other 20 somethings out there that have no idea what they want or why they are where they are... If that's you, "Holla at yo' gurl" Because we should join forces.

Until tomorrow..

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